Constructing Excel Formulas

All reports are based on Excel functions, the sidebar is a facilitator for creating these functions, but it is also possible to generate them from scratch and select an existing Excel cell.

Each formula is constructed as follows:

  1. Type (e.g., =LF.binance.getTicker24h) where binance is the provider, and getTicker24h is the function called.
  2. Arguments: There are three arguments:
    • Selection: The filter that is going to be applied to the functions.
    • View: The list of fields that are going to be displayed.
    • Options: Options like "headless" (true/false), meaning if it is going to display the header in the answer or not.

Examples of function usage :

  • My balances:

  • My Product margins:

  • My Product futures:

  • My assets bought with fiat (page 1, 10/page):

  • My asset sold to fiat (page 1, 10/page):

  • My product dividends:
