My crypto assets

This page provides a comprehensive view of one's portfolios, locked or flexible positions, and balances at a given time, all in their defined currency set in the settings section.


Snapshot of my positions in Binance

Key Points:

  • Allows visualization of balances and positions in the user's currency.
  • Provides an overview of available assets and their distribution.
  • Facilitates understanding of locked and flexible positions.
  • Offers dual visualization: via graph for quick distribution analysis, and via table for in-depth analysis.

Binance Reports:

  • Account Snapshot (myAccountSnapshotSpot): Provides an overview of available assets in the user's currency.
  • Spot Balances (myBalances): Presents current balances of different assets in the user's currency.
  • Locked Positions (myLockedPositions): Gives an overview of locked positions in the user's currency.
  • Flexible Positions (myFlexiblePosition): Displays flexible positions in the user's currency.


  • The "onlyPositive" and "onlyLast" filters are applied to focus primarily on current data.