Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Spot Account Snapshot

Retrieve a snapshot of my spot account



bank_id: Bank sync ID
updateTime: Update time
asset: Asset type
free: Available balance
locked: Locked balance

My Margin Account Snapshot

Retrieve a snapshot of my margin account



bank_id: Bank sync ID
updateTime: Update time
asset: Asset type
borrowed: Borrowed amount
free: Available balance
interest: Interest amount
locked: Locked balance
netAsset: Net asset amount

My Futures Account Snapshot

Retrieve a snapshot of my futures account



bank_id: Bank sync ID
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
asset: Asset type
marginBalance: Margin balance
walletBalance: Wallet balance
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
updateTime: Update time
entryPrice: Entry price
markPrice: Mark price
positionAmt: Position amount
unRealizedProfit: Unrealized profit

My Asset Dividend Record

Retrieve my account asset dividend record



bank_id: Bank sync ID
id: Unique identifier
amount: Ordered amount
asset: Asset type
divTime: Dividend time
enInfo: English info
tranId: Transaction ID

My Fiat Payments

Get my account fiat payments


transactionType: Transaction type
beginTime: Begin time
endTime: End time of the query
page: Page number for pagination
rows: Number of rows to return


bank_id: Bank sync ID
orderNo: Order number
sourceAmount: Source amount
fiatCurrency: Fiat currency
obtainAmount: Obtain amount
cryptoCurrency: Cryptocurrency
totalFee: Total fee
price: Price per unit
status: Current status
paymentMethod: Payment method
createTime: Creation time
updateTime: Update time

My Flexible Positions

Retrieve my account flexible positions


transactionType: Transaction type
beginTime: Begin time
endTime: End time of the query
page: Page number for pagination
rows: Number of rows to return


bank_id: Bank sync ID
totalAmount: Total amount
tierAnnualPercentageRate: The annual percentage rate for a specific tier
latestAnnualPercentageRate: The most recent annual percentage rate
yesterdayAirdropPercentageRate: The percentage rate for airdrop rewards distributed yesterday
asset: Asset type
airDropAsset: The type of asset received in an airdrop
canRedeem: Indicates whether the asset can be redeemed
collateralAmount: Collateral amount
productId: Product ID
yesterdayRealTimeRewards: Real-time rewards accumulated yesterday
cumulativeBonusRewards: Cumulative bonus rewards
cumulativeRealTimeRewards: Cumulative real-time rewards
cumulativeTotalRewards: Cumulative total rewards
autoSubscribe: Auto-renew subscription

My Locked Positions

Get my account locked positions


transactionType: Transaction type
beginTime: Begin time
endTime: End time of the query
page: Page number for pagination
rows: Number of rows to return


bank_id: Bank sync ID
positionId: Position ID
productId: Product ID
asset: Asset type
amount: Ordered amount
purchaseTime: Purchase time
duration: Duration
accrualDays: Accrual days
rewardAsset: The type of asset given as a reward
rewardAmt: Reward amount
nextPay: Next payment
nextPayDate: Next payment date
payPeriod: Payment period
redeemAmountEarly: Early redeem amount
rewardsEndDate: Rewards end date
deliverDate: Delivery date
redeemPeriod: Redeem period
canRedeemEarly: Can redeem early
autoSubscribe: Auto-renew subscription
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
canReStake: Can restake
apy: Annual percentage yield (APY)

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

Ticker 24h

Retrieve the 24-hour price ticker for a symbol


symbols: Symbols to include in the query


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
average: Average price
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
bid: Current highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset
bidVolume: Total volume available at the highest bid price
ask: Current lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an asset
askVolume: Total volume available at the lowest ask price
vwap: Volume Weighted Average Price of an asset over a specified period
close: Closing price
last: The last traded price of an asset
previousClose: The closing price of the previous trading day
change: The difference between the current price and the previous close price
percentage: The percentage change between the current price and the previous close price
quoteVolume: Quote asset volume
baseVolume: Total trading volume of the base asset
bank_id: Bank sync ID

Order Book

Get buy/sell orders for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount


Retrieve open, high, low, close, and volume data


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
timeframe: The time interval for the data (e.g., 1m, 1h, 1d)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


bank_id: Bank sync ID
openTime: Opening time
open: Opening price
high: Highest price
low: Lowest price
close: Closing price
volume: Trading volume


Get recent trades for a symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Balances

Retrieve my account balances


onlyPositive: Return only positive balances


free: Available balance
used: Used balance
total: Total balance
debt: Debt amount
bank_id: Bank sync ID
asset: Asset type

My Orders

Get my account orders by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
clientOrderId: Client order ID
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
lastTradeTimestamp: Last trade timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp: Last update timestamp
timeInForce: Time in force
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
average: Average price
amount: Ordered amount
filled: Filled amount
remaining: Remaining amount
stopPrice: Stop price
triggerPrice: Trigger price for stop-limit
takeProfitPrice: Take profit price
stopLossPrice: Stop loss price
cost: Total cost
trades: List of trades
reduceOnly: Reduce-only order
postOnly: Post-only order
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Trades

Get my account trades by symbol


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


symbol: Trading symbol (e.g., BTCUSD, ETHBTC)
type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
side: Buy or sell
price: Price per unit
amount: Ordered amount
cost: Total cost
order: Details of a specific trade order
takerOrMaker: Indicates whether the trade was a taker (market order) or maker (limit order)
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency

My Deposit History

Retrieve my account deposit history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate

My Withdrawal History

Get my account withdrawal history


asset: Asset type
since: Start time for filtering
limit: Limit


type: Order or trade type (e.g., limit, market)
status: Current status
id: Unique identifier
datetime: Date and time
timestamp: Timestamp
amount: Ordered amount
txid: Transaction ID
address: Wallet address
addressFrom: Sender address
addressTo: Recipient address
tag: Address tag
tagFrom: Sender tag
tagTo: Recipient tag
currency: Currency type
updated: Last update time
comment: Additional comments
bank_id: Bank sync ID
fee_cost: Fee cost
fee_currency: Fee currency
fee_rate: Fee rate